Developing a reflective capacity is an ethical imperative for supervisor and clinician alike.
Reflective practice often results in new ways of experiencing events. It necessitates a level of personal and professional awareness that allows for introspection and a deeper understanding of clinical work. Furthermore, it can often be a daunting task to support supervisees in developing this capacity!
As a supervisor, you can build and model a reflective practice by:
1. Encouraging multiple perspectives – there are many understandings of an event and learning occurs when remaining open to different perspectives.
2. Finding comfort in the ambiguous – the capacity to remain grounded in uncertainty supports growth.
3. Encouraging exploration of held values and beliefs – asking ourselves to explore our biases and how they impact the other.
Ultimately, a strong level of self-awareness is needed to practice ethically and supervisors can support the development of this capacity in their supervisees.
To forever learning.
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